Tips on Finding Summer Jobs for Teens and College Students

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Careers, Money Savers, Parenting Hacks | 0 comments

Why Would I Want a Summer Job?

Summer jobs are rewarding for many reasons. The main reason being that you will have extra cash to either save up for future events or immediate spending money. Those both are important whether it be an emergency or just not feeling excluded when your friends are going out. Aside from the pay, summer jobs are rewarding in the sense of building character. It is expected of you from day one to work hard, be dependable, and have a great attitude while doing it.

As it may seem that those tasks come off as difficult at first, it pays off in the long run when faced with similar circumstances. Lastly, a summer job would keep you occupied and out of trouble, especially if your friends have gone out of town to visit family.

What Kind of Summer Jobs Are There?

So once you have decided that a summer job would be perfect, your next question is what summer jobs are out there for you? Fortunately, there are many employers who offer seasonal work for summer months. Jobs could include a summer camp instructor, a lifeguard at the beach or local pool, a babysitter, a tutor for summer school students – or students wanting to get ahead of the upcoming semester – a team member at a retail or grocery store, and so on.

For college students, there is always the possibility of door-to-door sales selling pest control, home security systems and more. Some of those who have ventured away from home have made enough income in three months to last them the entire next school year.


If you are unable to find employment, your second-best option might be an internship. There are times when internships are unpaid but the experience gained gives you potential for a full-time job down the road. Sometimes interns are able to work their way into a full-time job with the company they work for. It might not be the most ideal situation to work for free but an internship could lead to bigger and better things in the long run.

Work From Home

There is always the potential to work from home. You can be a freelance blogger, a health coach, a social media guru or run your own business. You just have to research what resources are available and manage your time well. There can be a lot of distractions if you are working from home so you have to be careful in this regard. But the overall benefits might outweigh the negatives. Your own office, your own computer, ability to eat lunch without paying, and more privacy are make working from home an ideal solution.

How Do I Get Hired

Once you have chosen the job that looks interesting to you, it is time to start the hiring process. Although it might seem intimidating at first, I can assure you if you prepare yourself enough, you will feel confident and at ease. The first step would be to come up with a resume.

Your resume is a description that tells the employer about yourself, what your experience is like, and what you have to offer. Once you have completed your resume, find an application from your business of choice and fill it out. You will attach your resume to the application and hand them in to the employer. Up next would be the interview which is usually the nerve-wracking part, but if you prepare yourself enough with questions you will be sure to ace it!


You want to make sure you find a summer job that suits you well – one that is going to allow you to grow as a person and still enjoy your summer while doing it. So, what are you waiting for? Jobs don’t come easy or grow on trees so you have to put in the effort to find it and use this information to get that perfect job for yourself. Good luck.

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