Home Page Content vs About Page Content

by | Last Updated: Feb 20, 2023 | Marketing, Web Design |

Often times our clients have trouble differentiating what content is good for home pages and for about pages. On this post we hope to clarify what type of content should go on each page respectively.

Building an Effective Website Home Page

The most important piece of the website is the home page. Creating content and collecting content from a client for the home page can be the most challenging piece.

I look at the home page as the “table of contents” for the whole website. In most cases the home page content will be based on the overall content of the website so some agencies build the home page last after receiving all the content for the other pages in the website.

Depending on the goal of your business and the type of products or services that you offer, the text for your home page should consider the following elements:

  • A headline or tagline that attracts attention
  • A clear call to action
  • Links to the main pages/sections of the website
  • Benefits of what you offer
  • Testimonials or social proof (build trust)
  • Well structured navigational links in the header and footer

The home page ought to sum up the contents of the website or the key service/product you are selling. The about page ought to be about individuals/organization offering the service/product.

For instance, suppose you are building a site for a general service provider, the home page will invite the guest, build trust, layout the key services and feature any specialties or exceptional selling focuses.

I put together A Five Step Guide To Preparing Strategic Homepage Content That Converts Infographic that can help to outline the home page content.

What Should Go On The About Page

The about page will discuss who began the organization, when, the abilities of individuals included, good cause the organization upholds and so on. Your About page should address the following:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • When you started doing what you’re doing
  • Where you are
  • Mission/Vision
  • Key Staff Bios if possible

The About Us Page should always be about the real people who are behind the company. It’s your chance to make customers relate to the people running the business as real people like them. When I am looking for a service provider, I always check out the about page. If they do not list names at the very least, I usually take a hard pass. I want to know the people I am hiring for a project or purchasing a product from.

In Closing

You could consider the home page and the about page two of the main pages on the site that are not landing pages. At the point when individuals land on any of the various service/product specific pages of the site, they would then be able to visit the about page to discover more about who is behind the company and services/products that are provided.

If you have any questions, suggestions or tips, please leave them in the comments below.

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