A Five Step Guide To Preparing Strategic Homepage Content That Converts Infographic

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Design, Web Design | 0 comments

A Five Step Guide To Preparing Strategic Homepage Content That Converts Infographic

I have been designing websites since the 90’s and have seen many design trends come and go over the years. With the ever changing world of search engine optimization (S.E.O), layout and content has played an even greater role in the overall design.

The most important piece of the website is the homepage and creating content and collecting content from a client can be the most challenging piece. There are usually two ways for a website designer to tackle this issue: create a layout and have the client create the content around the design, or get the content and design around the content.

It is easier for me as the designer to design the website homepage using placeholder text and then have my clients (or their content providers) create content around the design, but this may not always be in the best interest of the client. I have come to learn that the best way to serve the client is to design around the content.

Designing Around The Content

The challenge of designing around the content is getting the material broken up into bite-size chunks that are appropriate for the homepage and are keyword optimized. What we often get from the client is a document titled “Homepage” with 3-5 paragraphs of lengthy text.

As a website designer, we understand that long-form articles are useful for keeping the reader on the page longer and good for SEO. But is it a good user experience? Not really. No one wants to go to your homepage and read five lengthy paragraphs of what you do. They want to know that they can be helped with their specific need.

Follow These 5 Steps To Create (or help your client create) Homepage Content That Converts.

After working with a variety of clients over the years, I have finally come up with a general homepage layout/content concept that converts really well. Since the redesign of our own website, and the statistical results of that redesign, I find myself walking my clients through the concept by using my website as the subject of the concept instruction.

What are the results? Well since launching the redesign earlier this month, the amount of inbound leads for Website Design Services, Divi Expert Services, and Divi White Label services have almost tripled and that is exactly what we wanted. I would say simplifying the design and clarifying the message has made a huge impact on our inbound leads already coming to our website through organic searches and referrals.

So to help my clients and fellow WordPress website developers with this unending inconvenience of dealing with homepage content creation, I decided to put together an easy to follow Five Step Guide To Preparing Strategic Homepage Content That Converts Infographic that can be shared and used to help others succeed.

For a comprehensive case study on how this was recently applied to a design agency website visit: https://montereypremier.com/behind-the-scenes-website-redesign-monterey-premier/


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