Step up Your Game! 5 Ways to Boost Your Career in 2021

by | Last Updated: Apr 16, 2022 | Careers | 0 comments

After the year we’ve just had, the entire planet is hoping for a calmer 2021.

If one of your goals is to step up your career game in the coming year, you might want to consider your plan of action as soon as possible.

Working your way up the career ladder can be quite a challenge, so we’ve rounded up five effective tips that will help you get where you want to be in 2021.

Let’s dive right in!

1. Update Your Resume

If you’re looking to change jobs, updating your resume is your first step.

Consider what you’ve listed so far, and see how you can augment each point. Along with listing every position you’ve held, make sure you provide additional details. Provide answers for questions like:

  • What have you been tasked with?
  • What have you learned working in a specific role?
  • What were some of your key successes?

Employers like to see a complete image, so the extra details can go a long way.

Also, consider the visual aspect of your resume. If it’s a black-and-white affair you’ve first made after university, you might want an upgrade. You can find plenty of resume design inspiration online. Choose something that matches your skills and personality, and give your resume a facelift.

2. Manage Your Work-Life Balance

When aiming to get ahead, we tend to work longer hours than usual. But while working hard is certainly a requirement, you don’t want the rest of your life to suffer.

Find a personal way to have it all – the job and career you want and the time to enjoy yourself outside work.

Start by prioritizing sleep over work. Being rested is intricately linked to success, and not getting enough sleep will only hinder your progress. Make sure your diet is nourishing and tasty, so you are fueled for success. Don’t forget to get 30 minutes of exercise each day, too.

Your social life can keep you sane, so don’t stand your friends and family up too often. They will help you recharge your batteries and prepare for the next career challenge.

3. Be Present Online

Whether you’re looking for a new job or a promotion, you want to have an online presence. This will mean tidying up your LinkedIn profile and being active on the network.

Don’t do what everyone else is doing and post artificially inspirational stories. Talk about your real experiences and real successes and challenges. You can also join groups created for job hunters and be active there.

Other social media networks can also be a great route to take. You must have heard at least one story where someone pitched their favorite brand on Instagram and got hired. You need to be careful how you approach someone on a network other than LinkedIn, though. Set your strategy carefully, and create a clear plan of what you want to say and to whom.

4. Advance Your Skills

Getting ahead means acquiring the knowledge needed for a higher position. In other words, you will need to work hard on advancing your skills.

Consider the work you want to do and the knowledge and skills you need. Then give yourself a grade for each. Be objective and honest about your strengths and weaknesses. What you feel is subpar should be your first focus.

Maybe you need to learn something new to score your dream job? Try to take a course or find a mentor online who can help you out.

Don’t forget that you also need to work on your soft skills. How you communicate, how organized you are, and how you manage tasks and people might be equally as important as what you can do.

5. Ask for Feedback

Finally, you also want to hear what others think about your performance and skills.

Be open to hearing your colleagues’ honest opinions. Only ask for feedback from people whose opinions you value and those you know will not be vicious on purpose.

Be prepared to take action based on this feedback. Perhaps you’ll learn everyone sees a talent that you’ve been overlooking or underestimating, and this talent could be meaningful to your career advancement.

Contemplate the feedback you get. Consider how you can improve what needs improving and keep your best skills at a high level in the future as well.

Lastly, don’t let any negative feedback discourage you. The aim of the exercise is to grow, not to remain in your comfort zone.

Final Thoughts

Having read our five tips on career advancement, which one did you find the most interesting? Which one are you most likely to implement?

Remember that getting the job of your dreams will come with its set of challenges, so don’t give up, and keep working hard. Tell us what your dream career is, and we can cheer each other on!

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