The Difference Between a Freelancer and an Entreprenuer

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Careers, Freelancing | 0 comments

Aaaah – the world of working for yourself! It’s a bittersweet concept with many ups, downs, twists and turns. It really takes a lot of risk and confidence to venture out into the world of being a business owner – but the rewards are great and sweet.

Here’s the catch though – how do you know if you’re an entrepreneur or a freelancer? They are the same thing, right? Not necessarily. Believe it or not, there are several differences between the two. Read on to learn what exactly distinguishes a freelancer and an entrepreneur.

A freelancer gets paid for their work

Yes, this seems like a silly concept, right? But it’s true! As a freelancer, you’re getting paid for the services you provide – whether it be photography or graphic design. As a freelancer, your main source of income is primarily from the work you do for your clients.

An entrepreneur uses money to build a business

On the other hand, an entrepreneur uses money (usually other people’s) to build a business or something greater than themselves. So they may not have an income for a while during the process of building their business. An entrepreneur may not be in the type of business they requires them to get paid directly. They may be building a product, or a clothing line, etc.

A freelancer usually maintains steady work with no boss

There are pros and cons to being a freelancer, and one of the pros is definitely working without a boss. You are essentially your own boss and can make your own hours. The con can be maintaining steady work. It can be difficult as a freelancer to constantly have work and generate income.

An entrepreneur is focused on eventually selling their company or building it long-term

As for entrepreneurs, they are primarily focused on building a business to eventually sell for a large amount of money, or build it to last long-term. This means bringing in investors, hiring employees and ultimately making all the decisions to guide the business in the right direction.

A freelancer usually identifies with trades

If you’re a writer, photographer, graphic designer, etc., and are work for hire, you’re most likely a freelancer. A freelancer is someone who typically practices a trade and is hired by another party to do what it is they specialize in. You get paid for what you specialize in.

An entrepreneur usually identifies by line of business

On the other hand, an entrepreneur usually works by a line of business. Some examples of these are retail, clothing, food, a product of some sort, etc. An entrepreneur will work hard to build the business where other people can get paid that work for the company.

Freelancers are focused on getting better at their trade

The one thing most freelancers want is more business. What does it usually take to get more business? To do really great work! So the freelancers like to make sure they are the very best at what they do. They are constantly focused on themselves getting better and growing in their field.

Entrepreneurs tend to think on a large scale

On the opposite side, entrepreneurs tend to think a bit differently. Instead of focusing in on one thing, they tend to think on a large scale. how can they be great in every way! How do they increase sales? How do they grow their business?

Are you a freelancer or entrepreneur? Tell us about what you do and what makes you a freelancer or entrepreneur in the comments below!


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