Amazon SEO: 9 Ways to Boost Your Listings and Sales

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Business Strategies | 0 comments

Ever since 2016 kicked in, e-commerce is responsible for approximately 50% growth in retail. It is even projected to continue growing up until 2023, at least. 

Another thing that you need to take note of is that with all the e-commerce sales that are happening each year, almost half of those sales take place in Amazon. 

Moving forward, your key focus here is how you can boost your sales on Amazon. You can either do it on your own or work with the top Amazon marketing agencies in your country. 

Either way, here are nine ways that can help you boost your Amazon listing and sales:

Conduct Keyword Research

Just like with conventional SEO, your focus should be on long-tail keywords. Usually, these types of keywords contain three or more words.

When users are looking for a product on Amazon, they are using long-tail keywords to look for products. Doing so helps interested buyers find your product listings.

Thus, you must focus on the most relevant keywords. That way, you will not miss out on prospective leads just because you failed to include particular keywords in your product listings on Amazon. 

Once you choose your keywords, the next thing that you need to do is to incorporate them into your product descriptions and titles. Doing so will make your products show up in the search results for these keywords. 

Optimize Your Amazon Listing Title

The title of your listing is the most vital real estate on your product listing on Amazon. It can have a significant impact (both positive and negative) on the performance of your product on search. 

Ideally, your title should contain the following elements:

  • Product line
  • Brand
  • Color
  • Product Type
  • Size
  • Material
  • Packaging/Quantity

Use Bullet Points on Product Descriptions

When posting a product online, you probably have a lot to say about that particular product. That’s why you must break down the information that you present for your audience to read. 

The best way to break down these parts is through bullet points ‒ making it easier for your audience to digest a piece of information that you present to them. Make it concise and easy to read as much as possible. 

Moreover, products with bullet points convert better, as well. As people read this information, they are more informed to make a purchase. 

Over time, this enhances your SEO rankings on Amazon and help you earn more conversions in the long run. 

Consider Your Price

Before pricing your products, make sure that you check how your competitors are pricing similar products.

Making large gaps in the pricing will not always be aligned with your best interests. What you can do instead is to try to match (or at least beat) the pricing of your competition. 

Constantly be on the lookout for bidding wars or even “sharks.” These are usually companies with big operations that will lower the product prices to unreasonable amounts to get rid of the smaller companies. 

Follow the Image Guidelines

Your product images are also a vital factor when it comes to a consumer that is considering whether they want to buy your products or not. 

When placing images on your product listing, you need to go with Amazon’s guidelines that encourage sellers to use the 1,000 x 1,000 pixels for the zoom feature to be activated. 

Moreover, product listings with high-quality images lead to higher conversions and sales. Here are some helpful tips when it comes to Amazon’s images:

  • Place at least four high-quality images in a specific product.
  • The images you place should not have any watermarks on it. 
  • Use a white background to make your image pop-out.

Maximize Positive Reviews

Product reviews are the key if you want to boost your sales and rank higher on search results. 

Products that have a significant amount of product reviews sell relatively better because of other people’s faith in social feedback and rankings. Amazon inherently knows this and will rank products that receive higher reviews on search results.

You can collect customer reviews by adding a note in your package. You can also send a follow-up email to your customers, asking them for a product review.

Optimize Backend Search Terms

Back-end search terms are an ideal place to type all sorts of long-tail keywords that you think users might use in searching for a particular product that they want to buy. You can also place problem and solution keywords, or any type of keywords that are benefit-related. 

Here are some helpful tips when it comes to optimizing your search terms:

  • Include synonyms or spelling variations 
  • Stay within the length limit
  • Place alternate names and abbreviations
  • You can use all lower case characters
  • You do not have to use punctuation.
  • Separate the words with spaces 
  • No need to use stop words like “with,” “the,” “of,” “and,” and so on. 
  • Stay away from offensive and abusive terms
  • Stay away from subjective terms like “the best,” “the cheapest,” and so on
  • Stay away from temporary phrases like “sale now” or “new.”
  • Either use singular or plural nouns.

Avoid Using Walls of Text

Stay away from using large amounts of texts that are not broken down into images, bullet points, or any other kind of spacing. When writing your product description, avoid them as it can lead you at a disadvantage. 

Users can easily be confused with them, and as a result, lowering your sales and conversion rates. 

Amazon’s algorithm, or A9, does not like walls of texts either. Instead, the online selling platform prefers texts that have bullets as they are more organized, easy to decipher, and categorize. 

Stock Supply

Always make sure that your products are in stock to avoid losing your rank on search results. 

When utilizing Amazon FBA, set automatic reminders that will tell you that your inventory has reached a particular level and needs a restock. 

If you are selling on several websites, you can utilize the multichannel synchronizing platforms, which will help sync your inventory levels to ensure that it never goes to zero. On Amazon, there is also a stand-alone inventory management platform.

If you are an independent seller on Amazon ‒ storing, sourcing, and shipping on your own ‒ you should always make sure that you stay at the top of your inventory and have regular contact with suppliers to avoid any sort of deficits in the future. 

Final Thoughts

Amazon is an excellent place for you to post your products and help interested prospects to find your products. If you want to leverage your Amazon listings, then you need to work on how you can improve your Amazon SEO.

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