6 Creative Ideas To Use Social Media For Profile Promotion

by | Last Updated: Apr 16, 2022 | Social Media Tips | 0 comments

Your stunning content is published and you have registered all your social profiles. What is next? Where will you focus your time after publishing? These social media content promotion ideas start your marketing initiatives effectively.

Here are the six creative ideas on how to use social media platforms to promote your social profiles.

Complete Your Profile

Your profile stands first for promotion on social media. You need to update your social media profiles regularly to attract different types of audiences.

You have the space to attach clickable links and other social platform’s profiles in the ‘About’ tab. A story part in the tab allows you to provide some valuable information about your business or company. 

Articles use the ‘About’ section primarily to let customers know where to get them. Not every link is active, but respective icons indicate the platforms.

Include Your Branded Hashtags

TikTok has the incredible ability to link hashtags and other accounts in the profile’s bio, which is very significant to receive views to the targeted page. Naturally, hashtags need to be handy and easy to remember and include smiley to get more attractive. It helps the people to recognize the hashtags easily.

Create one unique hashtag effectively instead of creating more because people don’t always remember all the hashtags but can remember the one more unique and attractive. And your unique hashtag should relate to your challenges, products, or campaigns, and it should tell the type of content correctly. Make the hashtags with easy spellings that are simple to recognize and type without going for copy-pasting. Always come with a unique hashtag to track your content quickly.

Cross-Promote On Other Platforms

Cross-promoting on other networks helps to remind your audience that you also have other social media profiles. This way, you can bring more followers, from Tik Tok for example, to your other social accounts from one. Don’t be shy about asking your audience to follow your other profiles on different social media platforms. It is easy to provide a link to your social media profile by providing an attractive CTA(Call To Action) option asking the audience to follow your social media profiles. 

Another way is to mention your other social media presence in your bio. You can easily share your posts to other social media accounts to spread your content to a vast audience and drive traffic.

Promote Your Social Profiles In Email and Newsletters

If you are sending newsletters to promote your product, attach social icons at the bottom. It is a type of reminder to the visitors that they have another way to access your content. Attach a fan part in your newsletter to show an image from the platform; it is one way of promoting your social media account. 

If your business or company often sends emails, attach a clickable link in your signature.

Many top creators on social media add their branded hashtags and social icons at the bottom of the newsletters. It is a CTA that the audience can use to share an image, utilize the hashtag, and follow them from a given social network.

Driving Sales On Social Media Platforms

Let’s take a look at how you can promote your social media accounts and bring in more sales.

Make Targeted Ads On Social Media

There are various ways to target anyone through social media ads. For example, if you take a social media community, Facebook, you can attach the Facebook pixel to your website. You can automatically target the website visitors if you add Facebook pixels to your website.

Utilize the audience data on Facebook to focus the interest groups. If you shopped for watches recently, you might get more watch ads than before. It is because Facebook analyzed your habits of shopping and attached you to the specific category.

Tag The Products In Your Posts

A great feature available on social media platforms is you can add product tags to your posts. It helps your post to stand in front if anyone searches the specific tag. It quickly identifies your products to the customers, and they can get from your website easily via tags.

Give Social Discounts

You can receive offers in email or limited deals in the newspaper in traditional marketing. There is no difference in social media too. These special offers are given to the group of your followers and ends after some time.

Offering a code to a post is the simplest way to announce social discounts. Uploading limited time offers is a great strategy to drive more sales through social deals.

Summing Up

These are not the only strategies available. There are many different features available on different social media platforms that you can use to try and drive more traffic to your content and drive sales. We hope that these six best creative ideas help you to promote your social accounts effectively. 

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