What Social Media Has in Store for 2017

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Marketing, Social Media Tips | 0 comments

What Social Media Has in Store for 2017

Social media…technology…etc. It’s always changing and keeping us on our toes. Just when we feel comfortable with a social media website or app, there’s an update waiting for us and the learning process starts all over again. Did you know, about 90 percent of companies in the United States actively use social media as a form of marketing? Better yet, they all agree that using it has increased their sales.

From promoted posts to live videos, social media is always throwing us curve balls and telling us what we need to stay relevant. Regardless of whether or not you want to stay with the trends, the truth is that if you want your company to succeed, you’ll need to actively use social media to keep your business fresh and up-to-date.

So as beneficial as social media is to businesses and as much as it changes, what exactly can we expect to see in 2017?

It’s important for companies to stay relevant in their industries, so this also means that they need to stay up to date on the trends in the digital space. Take a look at what social media will have in store in 2017.

Social Networks Within Companies

Anyone who has ever worked for a company knows that the main source of communication within the company is through e-mail. Employees consistently use e-mail to communicate within the company and all of its departments. However, this will be chaining in 2017. There are ideas swirling around out there to create social networking platforms for companies so employees can communicate with each other and work on projects in a more social space. Say goodbye to CC’ing coworkers to your emails, this will be a game changer for sure!

More Privacy in Social Networking

We know that there are certain groups that can be created on Facebook where individuals can express ideas, opinions, etc. These groups are usually private and by invitation only. This concept will soon take over every social media site. Thus, most social media activity will change to messaging apps and private groups. Private groups are growing at an alarming rate on apps and websites such as WhatsApp and LinkedIn.

More Live Videos

It all started on SnapChat. Then Instagram. Then Facebook Live in 2015. Pretty soon, every social media site and app will have a live video feature. It’s becoming the thing and it’s happening as fast as a wildfire. Live broadcasts have reached a whole different level and we are expecting to see a lot more of it in 2017. Some live-streaming video platforms, such as Periscope and Meerkat, are expected to become more popular in 2017. Live video has been one of the most powerful tools for business and personal use. In fact, it has proven to be more effective than any blog post, eBook, audio, or podcast!

Companies Will Use Employees for Marketing

Did you know, about 1/8 companies today use a team of social media experts to extend their product/business to a larger audience? It has proven to be so effective, that starting in 2017, more and more companies will start actively doing this to promote the business. How this works is that each company will have their employees promote the brand on their very own social media accounts. In fact, you have probably seen it happening already through protein powder companies and makeup companies.

It’s no surprise that social media has become a very important, and almost crucial part of any company’s standard operating procedure. Social media networks have transformed companies, their practices, and how they interact with their clients and customers around the country. This can help how they communicate changes in their company, new products or services, and just any information to increase engagement in general.

More and more organizations will get a strong hold on social media as they realize the power it has for external and internal purposes. Many of this changes in 2017 may not necessarily be extreme or revolutionary, however, they will boost the importance of social media for companies even more than it already is. Perhaps more companies will take their social media strategies a little more seriously and realize how important it really is. Any company that wishes to stay relevant needs a social media plan and strategy and needs to make sure it’s up to date with what the trends are.

Final Thoughts

So let’s hear it from you. What do you think about the trends in social media for business? Will you be using them for your company? Do you use a social media strategy? If so, have you noticed an increase in sales since you started? Tell us about it in the comments – we’d love to hear your take on it!

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Thumbnail: William Ivan / unsplash.com


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