Road Trip Meal Tips – Stay Healthy on the Road

by | Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022 | Health Hacks | 0 comments

So you’re preparing for a road trip and you kinda want to eat healthy, but you’re kinda excited about those BigMac’s and SlimJims at your gas, food and restroom stops off the highway. We get it! We’ve all been there, and there’s something exciting about eating unhealthy on the road, it just feels more like a road trip when you eat unhealthy, right?

We’ll, let’s say you’re on the road and starving, you want to eat healthy, but all you can see for miles are the signs for McDonald’s, Burger King and Taco Bell. Why not pack some of your own meals and snacks while on the road? It will save you money, and calories! Check out easy to pack snacks to get you through your time on the road.

Organic Trail Mix 
Easy and simple to make, a healthy trail mix will provide you and your travel mates with essential fatty acids, protein, antioxidants and many other nutrients and minerals that your body needs for energy.

Salad in a Jar
This salad-layering method is a brilliant idea for travelers. You get all the delicious nutrients of your favorite salads without the wilting of made-ahead versions. Oh, and it looks pretty, too!

Sweet and Crunchy Snack Mix
This one-of-a-kind munching mix is loaded with your kids’ favorite snack foods, but grownups will enjoy this tasty treat as well!

Frozen Grapes and Kiwi
Freezing brings out the sweetness of the fruit, and the cool temperature reminds you to slow down while eating. Plus, freezing means you won’t have to worry about the fruit getting warm and soggy during the long ride.

Healthy Bagel Sandwiches
For sandwich lovers, this simple alternative will hit the right notes without all the mayo-laden mess of the shrink-wrapped gas station versions.

It’s so simple to eat healthy on the road – believe it or not! All you have to do it plan ahead and pack healthy meals that will satisfy everyone on board. Have you tried any of these road trip snacks? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below and let us know your favorite snacks and meal while on the road.


Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

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