Pamela Callow

Pamela is the best selling author of the Kate Lange Thriller Series. Over 400,000 copies of the Kate Lange thrillers have been sold to date, on every continent of the world. And an additional 600,000 new readers have downloaded DAMAGED during its promotion as a free ebook, landing it in the #1 position on the Free Bestseller List for Amazon and iBooks US, UK, Canada and Australia!

Pamela Callow needed a website refresh in preparation for her upcoming 2018 book launches. She created the first rendition of her website and did a great job, but with a busy schedule, and the new releases coming up, she needed us to give it a fresh look that made the books themselves stand out more.

Website Features

Built With Divi

GDPR Compliant Mailchimp and Contact Forms

Unique Headers For Each Book Page


Mobile Friendly


Opal Recovery Home Screenshot

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