Let People Know

Now that your website is live, it is important to start driving traffic to it. This will help google index it faster and start improving your SEO rankings immediately. Here are some ways to consider getting the word out:

Word of Mouth – If you’re as excited as we are when your site launched, tell those around you! See what they think about your new online presence. We are already sharing it with others in our networks to get feedback and to help you get some new traffic. That’s valuable feedback that may come in handy when considering changes and additions to the site moving forward.

Email Newsletter – If you have a newsletter or email list, be sure to let them know that the new site has launched and how it can help them out. I love Mailchimp and we use it for our newsletters. If you have never set up a Mailchimp account, here is an article on our blog to help you get started: How To Setup A Mailchimp Account

Social Media – Having a beautiful & engaging website is only the first step. A website should attract visitors, build trust, inform customers and generate income. One of the most effective ways of doing this is through a solid Social Media Marketing Strategy. Take a look at some of our articles on Social Media for more ideas and tips on how you can improve your own social media strategy. Social Media Tips.

Start Blogging ASAP!

We’re sure you’ve heard it time and time again – your website needs content. You hear it so often because it’s true! Content and a blog are one of the most important things for your website and brand, not only because it establishes the voice of your brand, but because it is great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without SEO, it’s very hard for your company to get good Google rankings, and good Google rankings can ultimately help your brand generate a reputation and business.

Position Yourself as an Authority – Sharing your knowledge, experience and expertise relevant to your industry in quality blog content will show current and potential clients that you know what you are talking about and they are more likely to do business with you than go to a competitor as they see you as more of an expert in that field.

Generate Traffic & Leads – Ultimately, you want to generate more business and will do whatever it takes to accomplish that. Having regularly updated and high quality content will place your website higher in the Google rankings, which will generate more readership, which will potential help you generate more business.

Utilize Social Media – Don’t be afraid to use social media and use your network to get the word out. It’s worth having someone maintain a solid website blog and social media campaigns to go along with it to drive your traffic and grow your online presence.

Here are a few articles we have published to help you get started with blogging.

Reaping The Benefits of Blogging For Brand Authority, SEO, Exposure, And More

5 Important Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog

10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

10 Maxims of Successful Blogging

Protect & Maintain Your Website

In the evolving world wide web, it’s important that your website be maintained on a regular basis. Websites require regular updates, security checks, performance optimization, and regular troubleshooting. Over 50% of all web traffic is currently spammers, bots, malware and hackers.The fact is that sites are getting hacked left and right these days.

Security – Most website exploits take advantage of outdated themes, plugins, or WordPress. By keeping everything up to date and by implementing a few extra security measures, we can help reduce the risk of your website being compromised.

Performance – If your website is running slow, it can potentially lower sales, reduce your search engine rankings and even lose customers/visitors. Outdated or unsupported plugins can play a big role in hindering your website’s performance.

Savings – You have a business to manage and it takes a lot of time and effort to keep your site running smoothly. By hiring us to help you maintain your website, the chances of your site being down or needing major repairs are greatly reduced.

Our maintenance plans let you sleep better at night knowing that your site is protected and being maintained.

Get Some Testimonials

Online reviews are more important than ever. These days customers have more options than ever and so what REAL people are saying about a business carries a lot more weight than ever before. There are many different ways and platforms on ways to get reviews, but here are some we recommend:

Testimonials for Website – After your website is live, we recommend gathering as many testimonials as possible to post on the website. Even if you don’t currently have any on the site, if you can gather 5-10 good, personalized reviews (usually gathered via email or off of google or Facebook). Users will often look for reviews ON the site as well as on other outlets before making a purchase, calling or emailing. I recommend putting the best ones on the site.

Facebook Reviews – FB reviews are also great and are now a more reputable spot for customer reviews. In fact it is our preferred place for our customers to leave a review. So don’t be afraid to ask for your customers to leave a review on your Facebook page and even ask them to share it.

Google Reviews – This is highly recommended as google reviews are generally what will pop up when somebody finds your site with an online search. You can have your customers google your business, then leave a review or you can use this site to learn how to get your Google Review url. https://honeypotmarketing.com/direct-link-google-review/

I like Google Reviews the best because it automatically adds the review to your Facebook business page and helps with your SEO. Speaking of which, would you mind using the button below to leave us a review?

Keep Building Up Your Website

After your website has been live for awhile, we recommend doing some things to keep it fresh. Particularly if you want people to come back to your site. Here are some suggestions:

Keep Your Information Updated – Whenever you information, staff, hours or services change for your business, you should update the website right away! Keep your website updated and streamlined to your business.

Updated Content and Pages – Adding new content is great. If you have more services to add to your site, do it! If things in your industry change  be sure to update your site accordingly. Google loves seeing that a site is being built on to on a regular basis. This will help boost your SEO and search engine ranking.

Change Out Images – Another thing you can do is change a few images here and there maybe 1-3 times a year. If your website has a main image right when you open the front page, it’s important to keep that fresh and new. For the user, it looks like you’re taking the time to update your site and therefore encouraging visitors to check back for updates or new features.


If you have enjoyed working with us, we would love to hear about it and we would love others to know about it as well. It really helps potential customers make a decision when they can hear first hand how our customers feel about our services.

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